Learn Python from expert trainer. Python for data science training institute in Thane, Mumbai, Nerul, Kalyan area. Python programming language was developed between 1985 and 1990 by Guido van Rossum for general-purpose, interactive, object-oriented programming. You may better understand the significance of Python Training in Thane, Andheri Mumbai and Nerul, Navi Mumbai with Placement Assistance by taking the Python course. But first, let's comprehend this language before moving on to its applications.

NetTech India is the Best Python Institute in Thane, Andheri Mumbai and Nerul, Navi Mumbai. If you want to learn data science, you must master Python and machine learning. Python programs can be readily run on different platforms without requiring significant changes. It also functions flawlessly on a variety of operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.

Reasons to Choose Python as a Language :

Python is a good language to use since it is simple to understand and has a natural-feeling syntax. Even if you are not familiar with the language, you can quickly pick it up. In the Python Course in Thane, Andheri Mumbai and Nerul, Navi Mumbai at Affordable Fees, you don't need to define a variable. Additionally, the statement need not terminate with a semicolon. With just a few lines of code, Python enables you to create in a language with higher capability. There is a huge community behind Python. If you run into difficulties, you can handle them due to the numerous active forums.

Why NetTech India ?

Now that you are aware of Python's significance, Python Certification in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai and Thane can assist a candidate in landing a position in the corporate IT sector. Modern facilities at the institute will keep you up to date on the latest technological developments. We understand students' ideas and help guide their wisdom in the appropriate way.

Overall, NetTech India's courses will teach you everything you need to learn about data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence and many more

  • History of Python
  • Why to learn python
  • How is Python Different?
  • Installing Python

  • Using the interpreter
  • Integrated Development Environments (IDE) How to run Python programs?
  • How is Python Different?

  • Variable
  • Keywords
  • Statements & Comments
  • Indentation
  • Data types
  • Static Typing vs Dynamic Typing
  • Input and output
  • Operators Arithmetic operator Relational Operator Assignment Operator
  • Logical operator Bitwise operator Membership Operator
  • Identity Operator

  • If statement
  • If - else
  • If – elif -else
  • Nested if-else
  • while loop
  • for – in loop
  • Nested for loop
  • Nester while loop
  • Loop with else
  • Pass statement
  • Break and continue

  • Basics Defining function
  • function call Return statement
  • Function with parameter and without parameter
  • Function parameters Call by value or call by reference local and global variable
  • Recursion, Anonymous (lambda) function
  • User define functions
  • Examples

  • Defining module
  • How to create a module
  • Importing module
  • Dir()
  • Module search path
  • Reloading a module
  • Sys module
  • Os module
  • namespace

  • Defining package
  • How to create the package
  • Importing package
  • Installing third party packages

  • Numeric type basics
  • Hexadecimal, Octal, and Binary Notation Complex Numbers
  • Typecasting Numeric Functions
  • Random number generation(Using Random Modules)

  • Defining a string
  • Different ways to create string Accessing elements of the string Escape sequence
  • Raw string String methods String formatting Expressions

  • Defining a list
  • Creating list
  • Accessing list elements of list
  • Deleting list
  • List methods
  • Functions used with list
  • List comprehension
  • Implementation of stack and queue using list
  • Use of Zip ()
  • Matrix operations using list

  • Defining a tuple
  • Creating a tuple
  • Accessing elements of the tuple
  • What is Immutability
  • List vs tuples
  • STuple Methods Functions used with tuple
  • Advantage of Tuple

  • Defining a dictionary
  • Creating a dictionary
  • Accessing elements of the dictionary
  • Deleting a dictionary
  • Dictionary methods
  • Dictionary Comprehension

  • Defining a set
  • Creating set
  • Set operations
  • Set methods
  • Set comprehension

  • Defining a file
  • Types of file operations
  • Opening a File
  • Closing file
  • File modes
  • File attributes
  • Writing to file
  • Reading from file
  • Appending to file
  • File positions
  • Binary file
  • Pickle module

  • Defining an exception?
  • Default exception handler
  • Exception handling techniques
  • User-defined exceptions
  • Data types
  • Static Typing vs Dynamic Typing
  • Input and output
  • Operators Arithmetic operator Relational Operator Assignment Operator
  • Logical operator Bitwise operator Membership Operator
  • Identity Operator

  • Method vs function Calling methods
  • Instance attribute vs class attribute
  • Instance method vs class method
  • Private attribute and method Static Method
  • Method Overloading Constructor
  • Method Overriding Constructor
  • List of objects Inheritance
  • Examples

  • Process-based multitasking
  • Thread based multitasking
  • Creating a Thread without using class
  • Creating thread using class
  • Sleep() method
  • Join() method Getting and setting the name of the Thread Logging module
  • Synchronization
  • Lock concept
  • Object-Oriented
  • Inter thread communication
  • Is_Alive() method
  • Active_count() method
  • Enumerate() method
  • Current_thread() method
  • Daemon Thread

  • Introduction to Tkinter
  • Creating a window Tkinter widgets Label
  • Button Entry Messagebox List
  • Radio Button CheckButton Creating Frame
  • Creating Menu Assignments on Tkinter
  • Examples

  • Defining an event
  • Bind() method
  • Mousse events
  • Keyboard events
  • Examples

  • Introduction to MySQL.connector module, Connecting to the database by using MySQL, Creating a table by MySQL
  • Performing SQL operations, Introduction to mysql, Installing mysql, Creating database using mysql
  • Connecting MySQL database from python, Creating a table, Performing
  • SQL operations
  • Examples

  • Introduction to Network programming, Ip address, Port NumberSocketmodule, Server socket, Client socket, Socket methods, TCP socket, UDP socket
  • Create server-client examples

  • Defining an executable file , Deploying the application

  • Create GUI and store data in the Database. (5-day session) Create a server-client program. (using TCP )
Our Certification
  • NetTech India
**@Extra Cost Certification Options Available
  • CIT
  • IBM
  • W3 School
  • Microsoft
Career Opportunity After Completing Python Course in Mumbai:
  • Software Engineer
  • Python Developer
  • Research Analyst
  • Data Analyst
  • Data Scientist
  • Software Developer
  • Data analytics
  • Cell and UI development
  • BigData Analyst
  • Business Analyst
  • Data Research Analyst
  • IT Consultant Desktop Application Developer
  • 6000+ Sq.Ft of Area
  • Practical Training on Live Projects
  • Placement Training
  • Complete Placement Assistance
  • Mock Interviews
  • Assignment
  • Global Certification
  • Free Demo Lecture
  • Study Materials
  • Training from Industry Expert


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