NetTech India provides SQL certification course with placement assistance at affordable fees. Offline classroom SQL training from expert trainer. Want to learn more about databases- starting from selecting the programming language to stored procedures- well SQL tutorials is the solution. If you are keen to learn about how to execute SQL transactions, how to run SQL queries or master database administration, the course is for you. NetTech India SQL training course is meant for the developers who want to learn about descriptive learning depending upon various database concepts for working on the relationship database. The important topics of the course entail relational database queries, subqueries, joins, queries and unions. After learning about this course, the candidate will be able to gain proficiency in optimization, indexing transaction, installation of SQL server and clustering.

What will you learn after the completion of the course?

After the completion of the course, the candidate will be able to learn about:

  • The SQL architecture, database type, client/server relation
  • Deploy different function to design relationship database
  • Modify the data using T-SQL views and stored procedure
  • Learn the different concept of trigger and how to initiate trigger
  • The candidates will learn how to use the different records for grouping, searching, indexation and sorting.
  • The candidate will learn about the different skills related to database administrators, SQL server tools and services
  • Learn how to back up and restore the database.
Who should take SQL server training course?

The course can be taken up by the

  • Software developers and other IT professionals
  • Project Manager
  • Business Analyst and Manager
  • Business intelligence professional
  • Big Data and Hadoop professionals
  • Those candidates who want to develop their career in the field of SQL management
What is the prerequisite for taking up SQL training course?

There is no specific prerequisite for taking up the course. A basic knowledge about relationship DBMS can be helpful.

Why should take this SQL certification course?

It is one of the fastest growing programming languages that help you to work on the large database. Thanks to the explosion of data, today the enterprise has to deal, the programming language has become quintessential. This creates a huge demand for the SQL developers who have the knowledge on how to convert the Big Data to the company’s vested interest. Taking this instructor led course and Microsoft SQL certification exam can take your career up to the next level.

  • List the features of Oracle Database 12c
  • Discuss the basic design, theoretical, and physical aspects of a relational database
  • Categorize the different types of SQL statements
  • Describe the data set used by the course
  • Log on to the database using SQL Developer environment Save
  • Queries to files and use script files in SQL Developer

  • List the capabilities of SQL SELECT statements
  • Generate a report of data from the output of a basic SELECT statement Select All Columns
  • Select Specific Columns
  • Use Column Heading Defaults
  • Use Arithmetic Operators
  • Learn the DESCRIBE command to display the table structure
  • Understand Operator Precedence

  • Write queries that contain a WHERE clause to limit the output retrieved List the comparison operators and logical operators that are used in a WHERE clause
  • Describe the rules of precedence for comparison and logical operators Use character string literals in the WHERE clause
  • Write queries that contain an ORDER BY clause to sort the output of a SELECT statement
  • Sort output in descending and ascending order

  • Describe the differences between single row and multiple row functions
  • Manipulate strings with character function in the SELECT and WHERE clauses
  • Manipulate numbers with the ROUND, TRUNC, and MOD functions Perform arithmetic with date data
  • Manipulate dates with the DATE functions

  • Describe implicit and explicit data type conversion
  • Use the TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER, and TO_DATE conversion functions Nest multiple functions
  • Apply the NVL, NULLIF, and COALESCE functions to data Use conditional IF THEN ELSE logic in a SELECT statement

  • Use the aggregation functions in SELECT statements to produce meaningful reports
  • Divide the data into groups by using the GROUP BY clause
  • Exclude groups of data by using the HAVING clause

  • Create a simple and complex view
  • Retrieve data from views
  • Create, maintain, and use sequences
  • Create and maintain indexes
  • Create private and public synonyms

  • Describe the types of problem that sub-queries can solve
  • Define sub-queries
  • List the types of sub-queries
  • Write single-row and multiple-row sub-queries

  • Describe the SET operators
  • Use a SET operator to combine multiple queries into a single query
  • Control the order of rows returned

  • Describe each DML statement
  • Insert rows into a table
  • Change rows in a table by the UPDATE statement
  • Delete rows from a table with the DELETE statement
  • Save and discard changes with the COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements
  • Explain read consistency

  • Categorize the main database objects
  • Review the table structure
  • List the data types available for columns
  • Create a simple table
  • Decipher how constraints can be created at table creation
  • Describe how schema objects work

  • Create a simple and complex view Retrieve data from views
  • Create, maintain, and use sequences Create and maintain indexes
  • Create private and public synonyms

  • Differentiate system privileges from object privileges
  • Create Users
  • Grant System Privileges
  • Create and Grant Privileges to a Role Change Your Password
  • Grant Object Privileges How to pass on privileges?
  • Revoke Object Privileges

  • Add, Modify and Drop a Column
  • Add, Drop and Defer a Constraint
  • How to enable and disable a Constraint?
  • Create and Remove Indexes
  • Create a Function-Based Index
  • Perform Flashback Operations
  • Create an External Table by Using ORACLE_LOADER and by Using

  • Query External Tables

  • Explain the data dictionary
  • Use the Dictionary Views
  • Table and Column Information
  • Query the dictionary views for constraint information
  • Query the dictionary views for view, sequence, index, and synonym information
  • Add a comment to a table

  • Use Subqueries to Manipulate Data
  • Retrieve Data Using a Subquery as Source
  • Insert Using a Subquery as a Target
  • Usage of the WITH CHECK OPTION Keyword on DML Statements
  • List the types of Multi-table INSERT Statements
  • Use Multi-table INSERT Statements
  • Merge rows in a table
  • Track Changes in Data over a period of time

  • Explain the data dictionary
  • Use the Dictionary Views
  • Table and Column Information
  • Query the dictionary views for constraint information
  • Query the dictionary views for view, sequence, index, and synonym information
  • Add a comment to a table

  • Use Subqueries to Manipulate Data
  • Retrieve Data Using a Subquery as Source
  • Insert Using a Subquery as a Target
  • Usage of the WITH CHECK OPTION Keyword on DML Statements
  • List the types of Multi-table INSERT Statements
  • Use Multi-table INSERT Statements
  • Merge rows in a table
  • Track Changes in Data over a period of time

  • Multiple-Column Subqueries
  • airwise and No pairwise Comparison
  • Scalar Subquery Expressions
  • Solve problems with Correlated Subqueries
  • Update and Delete Rows Using Correlated Subqueries
  • The EXISTS and NOT EXISTS operators
  • Invoke the WITH clause
  • The Recursive WITH clause

  • Use the Regular Expressions Functions and Conditions in SQL
  • Use Meta Characters with Regular Expressions
  • Perform a Basic Search using the REGEXP_LIKE function Find
  • patterns using the REGEXP_INSTR function
  • Extract Substrings using the REGEXP_SUBSTR function
  • Replace Patterns Using the REGEXP_REPLACE function
  • Usage of Sub-Expressions with Regular Expression Support
  • Implement the REGEXP_COUNT function
Our Certification
  • NetTech India
**@Extra Cost Certification Options Available
  • W3 School
  • Oracle
Career Opportunity After Completing SQL Course in Mumbai:
  • Database Developer
  • Data Scientist
  • Database Administrator
  • Quality Assurance Tester
  • Researcher / Educator
  • Database Migration Engineer
  • SQL Data Analyst
  • 6000+ Sq.Ft of Area
  • Practical Training on Live Projects
  • Placement Training
  • Complete Placement Assistance
  • Mock Interviews
  • Assignment
  • Global Certification
  • Free Demo Lecture
  • Study Materials
  • Training from Industry Expert


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